Help us put the pieces together to make the best possible Place Plan for the people of Crickhowell

Welcome to Crickhowell Place Plan

We want you to show us the big picture.

Over the next six months Crickhowell Town Council will be developing a Place Plan to influence and guide the future direction of our town over the next 15 years. Place Plans help us to understand what problems communities are facing and provide us with a process to shape ideas and solutions to resolve them. They also allow us to anticipate the issues communities may have in the future and enable us to develop strategies and goals to avert these. It is our aim that the Place Plan reflects both the short and long-term aspirations of Crickhowell, as well as delivering a detailed and comprehensive guide that will strongly assist in the future well-being and prosperity of our town.

A Place Plan is a highly collaborative process and over the next several months we will be working closely with Crickhowell residents, businesses, and community organisations, as well as other neighbouring towns and villages, to identify areas of concern, need, and achievement, so that we can recognise what people’s priorities are when they experience the town. Utilising local people’s knowledge and understanding of place and environment will help us to make the strongest possible Place Plan so that we will be able to apply for grants and funding for important community projects in the future.

Over the coming months there will be many opportunities for people to participate and contribute their ideas in the form of town walkabouts, workshops, surveys, displays and more. By generating ideas through these forums, we hope that we can begin to develop meaningful solutions to the challenges a small market town like Crickhowell will face going into the mid-twenty-first century.

Supporting Crickhowell Town Council in this project are Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority, who will be using the experience Crickhowell gains from this process to create a ‘tool kit’ to help other communities in the National Park develop their own Place Plans, and Abergavenny-based Chris Jones, from Chris Jones Regeneration. Crickhowell Town Council and the BBNPA appointed Chris, who is an experienced place practitioner, to provide professional expertise, insight, and guidance, so that the process of developing our Place Plan is as engaging, creative and thoughtful as possible for everyone involved.

Chris is soon going to be talking to people in town as part of his role, so if you see him do say ‘hello’ and ask for further details about the project and how you can get involved and contribute. He is only too happy to help. A Place Plan is an enormously exciting undertaking for any community, and we are delighted to get started on this important piece of work. However, for the Place Plan to be the success we envisage it to be, we need you, our local community, to get involved. If you are interested and wish to stay up-to-date on the project, with key dates and the latest news, please sign up to our mailing list at Chris@ChrisJones.Studio